December 30, 2008

All the holiday potlucks are over. Good thing too, because I think I gained close to 28 pounds the past 2 weeks.

During this year's gift exchanges, I actually did not get my own gift back as I had been doing the past few years (usually because I followed the 'bring something you would want' rule).

The one for work, we each made a wishlist online. I wished for a 37" LCD tv, but happily settled for a Rihanna CD instead. I still listen to a lot of country, but Rihanna has been number one in the 2008 Mad Cal music rankings.

I got a paper shredder in another gift exchange, after I had 3 different gift cards stolen from me. My identity isn't really worth stealing (currently a $43 value), but it's nice to know that anyone who wants to steal it will now have to do it 1/4" strip at a time.

1 comment:

Calvin said...

First thing shredded: Operating instructions to the paper shredder