January 18, 2005

"Sweep the leg."

The Karate Kid movie is great. I saw it on tv today. Not only is in on my top ten sports movie list, it is on the Top Ten Ever Movie List. Those were probably among the coldest words ever spoken. I mean, even the bad-ass Johnny couldn't believe what his sensei was telling him to do.

I was planning to make a trip to Asia to get a bootleg version of The Karate Kid because the only region 1 dvd's I could find would cost me about 40 bucks since it was out of print. But I just found out there's going to be a Karate Kid DVD collection!! I think the sequel was bad, I never saw part 3, and I sure never saw The Next Karate Kid, but I pre-ordered the set anyways just for the first movie. Might as well rack up some Amazon points on my card.

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