December 15, 2004

My Lord of the Rings extended version box set won't arrive from Amazon until sometime next week. I was wondering if it would be possible to do a one day LOTR marathon. All 3 movies in one sitting. I figured that the 12 or so continuous hours would make this virtually impossible unless I chose to use the majority of a valuable weekend day. Then I remembered my Madden marathon a few months ago (see August 26th) and realized this would be cake compared to that. I just needed a free day.

Today I discovered that I have Monday December 27th off to make up for the Christmas holiday. I would have known this earlier had I read my weekly bulletin on Monday. The One Ring stashed away in my mini-cabinet is starting to call out to me. I'm thinking about it. That's a lot of hobbits in a day though.

Perhaps I should warm up with a Matrix or Star Wars marathon first.

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