November 11, 2004

Time for a list of things that make Cal Mad:

Not only do many teams just plain suck (Golden State Warriors included), but the players make me sick. Latrell Sprewell (his hairstyle makes me sick too) is making 14.6 million US dollars this year and he wants a contract extension so he could 'feed my family.' Ron Artest wants to take some time off from his job of playing basketball, which pays him 5.85 million US dollars a year, so he could promote his soon to be released rap album.
Of course, the fact that the NBA make me throw up hasn't stopped me from participating in two fantasy NBA leagues.
Baseball is over, NASCAR is ending, so hockey better come back soon. Man shall not live on football alone. Especially not if the NFL continues to wear hideous uniforms.

Mail-in Rebates
There's some stuff I purchase only because the price with a MIR is decent. I just bought a new 80GB hard drive from Fry's this week, and with a $30 rebate, it will come out to about $40, tax included. So while I like the final price, I hate waiting the 6 to 600 weeks for the rebate check. In fact, there are some products whose rebates never get back to me. Like that stupid Quaker State motor oil. I buy Quaker State because that's what the 24 Dupont team uses, but I only pick up cases when they're on sale at Kragen. I'm sure I have sent in at least 3 of their 'rebate' forms and have yet to receive anything in return. I'm going to have to speak to Jeff Gordon about that.

I hate WIndows. Not the see-through kind, the Microsoft kind. Whatever Windows problem my computer had also afflicted the computer I 'borrowed' from work. I got it fixed in about a day, but that blue screen of death gets me mad. I end up smashing my mouse and keyboard a lot. But it's working now. It's a hate-like relationship with Bill Gates.

Michael Moore
This guy annoys me. He's working on Farenheit 9/11 1/2, a sequel to his hit documentary. I have no problem with that. Go make some more money. But what bothers me is this quote from him: "Fifty-one percent of the American people lacked information (in this election) and we want to educate and enlighten them." Just because people voted for George W does not make them uneducated or lacking information. Why must people always insist that their way of thinking is right and if someone disagrees, then they are stupid? That's so childish. Only one person can claim to be right all the time, every time. Me. And Jesus. At least Moore's sequel will succeed in one way where Farenheit did not: getting Bush out of the White House.

They don't really get me mad. But they cause a huge amount of pain for such a small amount of skin cells.

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